Daily Tip: Day 10: A Hug For Your Troubles….?

Image Courtesy: 1girlnation.com


Daily Tip: Spread love, affection, compassion and understanding wherever you go.

They walked out the door.  And the last words I had spoken to them were a yell… it hit me as I walked up the stairs that if I never saw them again: our goodbye would have been in anger.

But, I did see them again.  Even so: they didn’t leave me happy.  They left me distraught and angry.  I’ve forgotten to spread love to the people around me.  I want them to see me with a smile on my face, understanding in my heart, compassion in my voice: I want to spread the truth in love.

You can do it too.  Don’t let someone leave you in anger.  Instead, try to hold back that anger and replace it with happiness.  Works for me.  So it can work for you.

It’s a big world and our dreams are small: but never forget that love is the biggest thing ever.  Give someone a hug for their troubles.